As we knew about Dark Energy and we somewhat know about Dark energy. As we know 96% of the universe is made of non-baryonic material. Almost 68% of the universe is composed of Dark Energy. So, what's the other 26% gone. The other 26% was found to be Dark Matter. But, Scientists predicted about Dark Matter. To get this answer let's go to the world of Dark Matter with Science behind Science-
Read this also: Cause of the Expansion of Universe - Dark Energy - truesciencebehindscience
In the last some decades, according to our research, we had found that the baryonic matter in the universe doesn't have enough gravitation to bind the complete universe. If it was that much strong then the stars in the universe would not rest in galaxies they had lived freely. All these give the judgment that there is some matter which unites the galaxies. But this matter is not visible or observable. We named it Dark matter.
But what is this Dark matter and what are its properties?
Unfortunately we humans do not have any perfect clue about this topic. So we do not know about the topic called Dark matter and also do not know about its properties. But, we humans know that Dark matter exists. Because Dark Matter always reacts in contact with gravitation.
According to Einstein's Theory of Gravity celestial objects with high mass bends the spacetime more. Just like the black hole. In our universe, Dark matter is the vacant space that can change the direction of light. This phenomenon is called Gravitational lensing which creates evidence for the existence of Dark Matter. Gravitational lensing is the same as a natural lens. From this phenomenon, one could see the far galaxies easily.
Mayhap, Dark matter is made up of complex and unique particles that do not react with any other or matter light. We know that Dark matter is not anti-matter because anti-matter reacts with matter to produce gamma rays. We also know that Dark matters are not made from the black hole because Dark matter is present in very high quantity in this universe. Neither Dark matter is a dark cloud of baryonic matter. Then, Out of where Dark matter is formed.
Most scientists had predicted that Dark matter is made up of non-baryonic matter. Till now we humans only know about baryonic materials such as an electron, proton, neutron, etc. This means they are made up of that type of material that is unknown to humans till now.
The discovery of these types of material could boost our science and technology to a peak. According to the scientists, the materials for what we are talking about is named WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles). These WIMPs has a mass of about 100 times of Protons mass. But these particles do not react with baryonic matter. Hence, detecting these particles is a way towards impossible.
Some scientists also belives that Dark matter is the group of that area in the universe that is not visible and the laws of physics do not work there. Dark matter contains its laws of physics.
Till the date, we humans could collect this much information about Dark matter and Dark energy. Hope that all our theories about Dark matter and Dark energy could come true in the future and could be turned into laws.
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