Today, which knowledge you will gain is beyond your imagination. After reading this article your mind will blow up. Nah! just joking but today you will get your almost every doubt cleared about the star. Let's get the true science behind science-
The life of an ideal star (here it means our sun-like star) has neither any starting point nor endpoint (has exception). It is just like the phoenix bird which arises from its ash.
Star-forming Nebula -
Protostar -
Protostar is a very young star that still gathers the dust and fuel around it to become either a sun-like star or a massive star. It is small in size and mass hence called a protostar.
When a protostar exceeds a temperature of 10 million kelvin. This is the temperature of hydrogen when it becomes helium by nuclear fusion. Everything further happens according to the size of a star if it's a massive one, the process becomes faster to form, but forming a sun-like star takes about 50 million years. It can turn up into a massive star or sun-like star.
Main sequence star -
The stage of a star after protostar. They can live for 10 million years to 10 billion years. They can further be classified into two groups either Sun-like star or massive star. These are filled with fuel. With a temperature of about 2000 K to 50000 K.
Main sequence star -
(i) Sun like star-
This type of star is comparatively smaller than the massive ones. Their age is almost 10 billion years. These stars are filled with hydrogen which is forming helium continuously. Our sun is also one of them. They have an average temperature of about 5500 K.After their age of 10 billion years, their core stars run out of fuel and start forming a red giant.
(ii) Massive star-
Red Giants/Supergiants-
They have finished their hydrogen inside the core but continues the nuclear fusion on the surface as hydrogen atoms are left on the surface. Their core starts contracting and becoming more hotter and dense. As It runs out of hydrogen, helium starts fusing into carbon atoms. Now, the carbon atoms are left with the core, plus the core further contracts to become denser and fuse carbon atoms to form heavier elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, etc. Now, these atoms continue to fuse and they make heavier elements such as iron. Now iron atoms fuse and make heavier elements but because they require more energy but the conversion produces less energy. So, the production of the heavier element decreases. Hence the nuclear fusion slows and their life ends here forming a nebula or a supernova.
Planetary Nebula -
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